Aviation Security Experts
Dedicated to enhancing global aviation security through ICAO standards and practices for a safer flying experience.
AVIOR Aviation Solutions offer experienced
ICAO Certified AVSEC PM staff to train, audit and improve your operations.

Aviation Security Standards
Ensuring safety in civil aviation through ICAO's standards and practices against unlawful interference globally.
ICAO Aviation Security (AVSEC) seeks to prevent acts of unlawful interference that threaten the safety, security, and efficiency of international civil aviation. These acts include any intentional actions that jeopardize the integrity of aviation operations, passengers, crew, or facilities.
Aviation Security
ICAO formulates standards to enhance global aviation security measures. The standards are distributed as SARPs - Standards and Recommended Practices.
Legislative Function
ICAO's legislative role includes adopting SARPs to prevent unlawful interference in civil aviation globally, ensuring safety and security for all international flights and passengers.
Global Standards
The establishment of SARPs by ICAO is vital for maintaining international aviation security, addressing threats, and promoting safe travel across borders in the aviation industry.